The Day Before Your Session
You've got your list, you're feeling excited about your session, and you're ready to go! A few more things to do to maximize your benefit:
First, make sure to get a good nights sleep. In the wonderfully relaxed state of a session, it will be easy to fall asleep. Try to be well rested.
Second, minimize alcohol or mind altering substances the day and night before your session. Hangovers and hazes are probably not conducive to clarity for our purposes. Similarly, coffee and energy drinks might pose some problems in getting to that relaxed mind state that is essential in a QHHT session. If you MUST have a morning cup of joe or else you absolutely can't function, go for it, but keep it to a minimum.
And finally, make sure to have a good healthy breakfast the morning of your session, INCLUDING any prescription medication you normally take. Don't make any changes to your medication unless ordered to do so by your doctor. Try not to eat such a heavy meal that your stomach is grumbling and gurgling the whole time which will distract you, but something that will last you the several hours during the session. You can bring something to munch on for afterward as discussed in the post-session section.
Continue to The Day Of Your Session